ADD Business Analytics



Prof. Beatriz Rodríguez Herráez

Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid, Spain);

PhD in Marketing at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). She Associated Professor of Marketing in the Department of Business Economics of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences.


She worked for nine years at Delphi Consultores Internacionales, a consultancy dedicated to research in the marketing area of companies. She is the main researchers of the consolidated group of research EcoTTuG at Rey Juan Carlos University. She is currently the communication director of the FCJS at URJC.


She has published in numerous prestigious national and international magazines and editorials, such as: Journal of Business Research, IEEE Access, Cuadernos de Turismo, Espacios, Dykinson, Síntesis, Palgrave-Macmillan, Springer and Thomson

Selected publications

Information at tourism destinations. Importance and cross-cultural differences between international and domestic tourists, Journal of Business Research (2007)

Comparing a traditional approach for financial Brand Communication Analysis with a Big Data Analytics technique, IEEE Access (2019)

Activism in the Digital Age: Social Movements Analysis Using User-Generated Content in Social Media, Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies in a Data-Driven Era (2021)

Smart Tourism Destination in Madrid, Sustainable Smart Cities (2016)