ADD Business Analytics



Prof. Eloisa Díaz Garrido

Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid, Spain);

PhD in Economic and Business Sciences at Rey Juan Carlos University. She is Professor at the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences. She has two recognized lines of research focused on Production and Operations Strategy, Operations Management in manufacturing and service entities, Environmental Management and Manufacturing Servitization. 

She has published articles in numerous prestigious national and international journals, highlighting the International Journal of Operations & Production Management, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Business Research Quartely, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, among other. 

She has participated in various national and international congresses, being a member of the scientific committee of some of them. She teaches subjects related to Production and Operations Management and Business Management in Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees. She has participated and directed various Educational Innovation projects, implementing active teaching methodologies in her classes. She has participated and attended numerous conferences and seminars on Teaching Innovation, both nationally and internationally. She is a member of the URJC’s group of excellence in Service Science, Management and Engineering GES2ME.

Selected publications

Servitization and digitalization in manufacturing: the influence on firm performance, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (2019)

Changes in the intellectual basis of servitization research: A dynamic analysis, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (2018)

Typologies and taxonomies of operations strategy: a literature review, Management Research News (2008)

Relation between management’s behavioural intentions toward the environment and environmental actions, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (2008) 

Structural and infrastructural practices as elements of content operations strategy. The effect on a firm’s competitiveness, International Journal of Production Research (2007)